Understanding the Experiences of Fathers Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study in Pakistan


  • Iqra Khalil M. Phil Scholar, Department of Special Education, Division of Education (DOE), University of Education, Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Sameen Gul M. Phil Scholar, Department of Special Education, Division of Education (DOE), University of Education, Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Javed Aftab Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, Division of Education (DOE), University of Education, Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


Autism spectrum disorder · Qualitative · Pakistan. Fathers · Experiences


Fathers who are raising children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face specific difficulties, yet there is still a dearth of research on their experiences, especially in Pakistan. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the complex experiences of eight Pakistani fathers who were raising children with ASD. Participants were recruited through ASD support services, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain insight into their experiences. Thematic analysis revealed several key themes. Fathers talked of their first feelings of shock and emotional difficulty after learning of the diagnosis, which was followed by a process of acceptance and adjustment. They underlined the need of family support as well as the requirement for increased comprehension from social networks and medical professionals. The study revealed a number of coping mechanisms used by fathers, such as turning to social networks for support, finding comfort in religious convictions, and making family time a priority despite job obligations. The importance of encouraging positive contacts with their children was also emphasized by fathers, who acknowledged the difficulties and benefits of doing so. It emphasizes how crucial it is to help and empathize with fathers as they travel this difficult path. We can enable fathers to carry out their responsibilities with grace and resilience by creating an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance, which will ultimately improve the wellbeing of fathers and their ASD children.




How to Cite

Iqra Khalil, Sameen Gul, & Dr. Muhammad Javed Aftab. (2024). Understanding the Experiences of Fathers Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study in Pakistan. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(4), 316–328. Retrieved from http://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/338

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