An Analytical Study about the Belief of the Life of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith



Creator, Messengers, Prophet Jesus, Life, Bani Israel, Muhammad , Dajjal


In this belief system, Allah Almighty is acknowledged as the supreme creator and proprietor of the universe, responsible for fashioning all living beings. Among these creations, Adam, the progenitor of humanity, holds a distinctive role. Allah meticulously crafted Adam from clay, breathed life into him, and endowed him with knowledge. Moreover, Allah elevated Adam's status by instructing the angels to prostrate before him, designating him as the earthly representative of the divine will. To offer guidance to humankind, Allah instituted a lineage of Prophets and Messengers, dispatching approximately one hundred and twenty-four thousand throughout history. These individuals, selected for their unwavering devotion, were tasked with disseminating the message of monotheism. Among these prophets, Jesus was appointed as a Prophet and Messenger for the children of Israel, with his miraculous birth without a human father serving as a testament to Allah's divine command. At a tender age, Jesus spoke to confirm his prophethood and the immaculate nature of his mother.

Nonetheless, a faction among the children of Israel rejected Jesus' prophethood and conspired to capture and crucify him. In response, Allah, in His divine wisdom, raised Jesus to the heavens, while an unknown individual was crucified in his place, thus prolonging Jesus' earthly existence. Islamic eschatology foresees the return of Prophet Jesus near the end of days, during which he will visit the minaret of the Jama Masjid in Damascus as a representative of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad. Assisted by angels, he will engage in a righteous struggle against the false messiah, Dajjal, ultimately establishing global peace and disseminating the teachings of Islam. Following his return, Prophet Jesus is expected to marry, have children, and undergo natural death, with his final resting place alongside the sepulcher of Prophet Muhammad. These beliefs hold central significance within certain Islamic eschatological traditions.

Author Biographies

Arslan Shabbeer, Ph.D. Scholar, National College of Business Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur

Ph.D. Scholar, National College of Business Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur

Nasira Bukhari, Ph.D. Scholar, National College of Business Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur

Ph.D. Scholar, National College of Business Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur

Dr. Tanveer Akhtar, Assistant Professor, National College of Business, Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur

Assistant Professor, National College of Business, Administration & Economics Lahore, Sub Campus Bahawalpur




How to Cite

Arslan Shabbeer, Nasira Bukhari, & Dr. Tanveer Akhtar. (2023). An Analytical Study about the Belief of the Life of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(1), 458–483. Retrieved from