تاریخ سیرت مں الذکر الرفیع کا امتیازی مقام: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Sirah, Hadith, methodology, style of writings, islamic cultureAbstract
In the term of Islamic sciences, the word Sirah was initially used for the Prophet's approach to dealing with non-Muslims and to dealing with wars or peace and treaties. Therefore, the ancient commentators, jurists, narrators, and biographers have used the word Sira in the same sense. Qazi Mohammad Aala Thanawi in his famous book “Kashaf Ishtalah Al-Funun” after explaining the literal meaning of Sira has written: Is mostly used by Muslims in dealing with infidels, non-Muslim militants, Muslim rebels, apostates, responsible people, etc. Allama Ibn Hammam also wrote in Fateh-ul-Qadir that in the term of Shari'ah, "Sira" means the method to be adopted in the war with the infidels. In later periods, the term meaning of Sira also expanded. Therefore, King Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi has defined the biography in these words: Since it is related to the existence of the Prophet and his Companions and the great family, and from the very beginning, Mr. Taghayat passed away. What is also related to Ahlul Bayt, Al-Azaam. From the blessed birth of the Holy Prophet to his departure from this world, the details of all these are called Sirah. In this article, The Sirah methodology of the Sirah book of Dr. Shakir has been analyzed briefly.