صحیح بخاری کی ضعیف کہی جانے والی احادیث کا درایتی جائزہ (حصہ اول)


  • Tyyab ul Rehman M.phil Islamic Studies
  • Dr Abul Hassan Shabbir


Sahih Bukhari, muhaddithin, Shariah, narrator, Objection


The Hadith and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the basis of Islamic Shari'ah and in the same way that the Qur'an. Without the Hadith and Sunnah, the Qur'an cannot be understood, nor can the commands of God be followed. May Allah reward the good narrators With great diligence and perseverance, they put the sayings, instructions, habits and deeds of the Holy Prophet (saw) in writing and presented them to the ummah in book form so that it would be easy and convenient for them to follow them. The hadith which is known as 'Sahih Bukhari' which has a prominent position in it contains only those hadiths which are absolutely Sahih. No weak narration can find its place in those who have their own hadith and Sunnah. Considering it an obstacle in the way of nefarious aims and wanting to weaken the Ummah from the Holy Prophet (saw), they continue to target and criticize the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw) in various ways. They have also started raising objections to make it unreliable Doubts have been dispelled by many scholars. This article mentions the hadiths of Sahih Bukhari on which some muhaddithin have raised the suspicion of being a theological weakness and has spoken on it has been submitted. And it is also divided into two parts. In the first part, the objections from 1 to 16 and their logical answers are discussed. In the second part, the objections from 17 to 32 and their logical answers are written.




How to Cite

Tyyab ul Rehman, & Dr Abul Hassan Shabbir. (2020). صحیح بخاری کی ضعیف کہی جانے والی احادیث کا درایتی جائزہ (حصہ اول) . Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 1(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/6