Role of Humans in the Protection of the Environment: An Analysis in the Light of the Quran


  • Dr. Nasurullah Qureshi Assistant Professor, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi
  • Saad Ali Research Scholar (MS Islamic Studies), Department of Islamic Studies, Bahria University, Karachi Campus
  • Dr. Muzaffar Ali Assistant Professor, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi


Responsibilities of Human, Environment, SDGs, Quran and Environment


This research explores the Quranic perspective on environmental protection by delving into key Quranic principles. Quran as primary source of Islam provides fundamental teachings in every walk of life, emphasizing the status of the God (Allah) as Creator of essential substance and sustainer of the universe and on other hand describes role of humans as khalifa or guardian of the creation on Earth. the Quran highlights the significance of balance, prevention of israf, by keeping the principle of justice, and accountability in each and every thing or action. The concept of water as a fundamental element for life, linked with the encouragement to reflect on the signs of nature, provides a foundation for responsible environmental behavior. Drawing on verses from the Quran, this research outlines a framework for understanding the ethical and sustainable responsibilities of individuals as custodians of the environment in accordance with Quranic teachings.




How to Cite

Dr. Nasurullah Qureshi, Saad Ali, & Dr. Muzaffar Ali. (2024). Role of Humans in the Protection of the Environment: An Analysis in the Light of the Quran. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(5), 226–232. Retrieved from