Analytical Study of Selected Books of Urdu Fatawa by Akaber Ulama e Dewoband


  • Dr Abdur Razaq IRI International Postdoctoral Fellowship IIU, Islamabad


Fatwa, Mufti, Companion, Religious, Scholar, Persian


This paper explores the historical trajectory of Urdu Fatwa, exploring its significance and evolution over time. Fatwa, as the divine directive conveyed through the Mufti, holds profound importance, acting as a conduit of guidance from Allah and His Prophet. The ramifications of erroneous Fatwas are far-reaching, impacting not only seekers of guidance but the entire Ummah. In the era of the Holy Prophet, jurisprudence and Fatwa were intertwined with his wisdom, with his companions seeking his counsel in times of dispute. Following his noble example, the era of the rightly guided caliphs further solidified the authority of Fatwa issuance. The formalization of Fatwa issuance in the subcontinent during the 4th century Hijri marked a pivotal moment, leading to the publication of numerous treatises in Arabic, Persian, and eventually Urdu. This article sheds light on this historical journey, with a focus on the esteemed Fatawa of Ulama e Deoband in the latter period. Today, the evaluation of Urdu Fatwas continues under the guidance of Madaris, Dar ul Ifta, and revered religious scholars, ensuring the preservation of divine wisdom in navigating contemporary challenges.




How to Cite

Dr Abdur Razaq. (2024). Analytical Study of Selected Books of Urdu Fatawa by Akaber Ulama e Dewoband. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(4), 111–119. Retrieved from