Modern Jurisprudential Issues and Tafsīr Ṣirāt al-Janān



Judicial and Legal Issues in Tafsı̇̄r Ṣirāt al-Jinān


The Qur’ān is a divine book for the guidance of all mankind. In the same way the prophethood of the Prophet of Islam is also for the whole of humanity. It neither contains the limits of time and place nor any region any country and any race. The Qur ‘ān Sunnah and Sīrah guide the person in all situations and problems. In short, Islamic law is absolute on one hand and eternal and immortal on the other. However, through the Qur’ān and Sunnah, we get clear, concise and definite guidance on certain issues and the principles. This is the secret of the continuity of Islamic shari’ah. One method of Ijtihād is individual Ijtihād. So that, various scholars and masters of Ifta' may guide the people on such issues with their individual fatāwās. The second method of Ijtihād is collective Ijtihād. In this Ijtihād ulama and the masters of ifta', instead of giving fatāwās individually, think collectively and then decide. Both of these methods of Ijtihād are proven by Hadīth. The second method, as mentioned, is of collective and consultative Ijtihād, that is, a person alone should not give a fatāwā based on his Ijtihād. Rather various scholars the masters of Iftaʼ and the experts of Sharīʻah sciences collectively find a solution for a problem through deliberation and make a decision as needed, using the technical experts of the issues under discussion and understanding the situation.

Author Biographies

Dr. Abdul Hameed, Administrative Officer Faculty of Law, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Administrative Officer Faculty of Law, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Mian Saadat Ali Nadeem, Doctorate Candidate, Department of Law, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Doctorate Candidate, Department of Law, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur




How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Hameed, Mian Saadat Ali Nadeem, & Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah. (2023). Modern Jurisprudential Issues and Tafsīr Ṣirāt al-Janān. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(1), 1–32. Retrieved from