Understanding Iqbal through the Scholarly Lens of Dr. A.D Naseem

ڈاکٹر الف۔ د۔ نسیم کی اقبال شناسی


  • Mobeen Naz M.Phil, Department of Urdu, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
  • Dr. Munawar Amin Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
  • Muhammad Ajmal Khan Mphil, Department of Urdu, Institute of Southern Punjab,Multan


Scholarly Tradition, Associated, Experts, Strength, Interpretation, Scholars, Oneness, Iqbal, Philosophy, Sufism.


Iqbal Shanasi is a scholarly tradition based on the literary endeavours to comprehend Iqbal's life and thoughts. The scholars associated with this tradition are called Iqbal Shanas, Iqbal Experts or Iqbal Scholars. This tradition of Iqbal knowledge has now become a global tradition. Dr Allah Ditta Naseem is an established name in strengthening this tradition. He is a well known Iqbal scholar in times we are living in. He has explained and interpreted Iqbal's thoughts in the light of Iqbal's ideas and words."Masla-e-Wahadat-ul-Wojood aur Iqbal" “Problem of One Existence and Iqbal” is a famous book of Dr Allah Ditta Naseem. The core of Sufism and Oneness are elaborated in it. Dr A.D Naseem has done commendable work on Kalam-e-Iqbal (Poetic works of Iqbal) to his scholarly credit.




How to Cite

Mobeen Naz, Dr. Munawar Amin, & Muhammad Ajmal Khan. (2024). Understanding Iqbal through the Scholarly Lens of Dr. A.D Naseem : ڈاکٹر الف۔ د۔ نسیم کی اقبال شناسی. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(5), 777–783. Retrieved from http://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/531

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