Enhancing Academic Staff Quality and Performance in Higher Education Institutions


  • Dr Nemat ullah Assistant professor in Post graduate college kot addu
  • Dr Allah Wasaya Babbar Elementary School Teacher Qasba Gujrat
  • Faiz Mehmood MPhil chemistry in Education University Dg khan


academic staff, quality, performance, institution, higher education


This research study focuses on Pakistani affiliated institutions in a variety of provinces, including Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), and Baluchistan, to enhance the quality and performance of academic staff. The purpose of this study was to increase higher education academic staff quality and performance. The aim of this study was to find and assess effective higher education academic staff professional development and performance support approaches. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of the study was all the principals; faculty members of affiliated colleges were the population of the study. A total of 1900 colleges are registered under the affiliation of different degree-awarding institutions in Pakistan. The study was survey type while the sample was selected through the convenience sampling method of non-probability sampling. Total of 140 faculty members (80 from Punjab (the largest province in terms of population), 20 from Sindh, 20 from KP, and 20 from Baluchistan, while 28 Principals, and 28 directors QEC were selected as samples of the study. The questionnaires were used to determine the quality and performance of academic staff. The questionnaires were administered to the principals and faculty members of affiliating colleges. An interview protocol was prepared based on minimum quality standards and was used to gather data from principals of affiliated colleges. Punjab's mean score (3.9113) was greater than Sindh and Baluchistan's, but its standard deviation was smaller (.50189). KPK had a higher mean (3.98) and standard deviation (.19270) than all other provinces. Sindh provinces had a higher mean (3.14) and standard deviation (.30689) than Baluchistan. Sindh's mean value (2.73) and standard deviation (.36458) were substantially lower than the other provinces. KPK ranked first, Punjab second, Baluchistan third, and Sindh last. The study found that different provinces had differing degrees of concordance between the goals of their educational institutions and the policies of the national education system.




How to Cite

Dr Nemat ullah, Dr Allah Wasaya Babbar, & Faiz Mehmood. (2024). Enhancing Academic Staff Quality and Performance in Higher Education Institutions. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(4), 175–185. Retrieved from http://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/316