Exploring the Origins, Consequences, and Remedies of Envy in Islamic Teachings


  • M Aasim Sharif PhD Scholar M.Y University Islamabad
  • Dr. Mohsin Zia Qazi Head of Department of Islamic Studies, M.Y University Islamabad


Manners, jealousy, community, contentment, compassion


In the realm of manners, a dark shadow looms, casting its destructive touch upon lives and communities alike. It's a sinister quartet of deceit, slander, accusation, and envy that chip away at the very fabric of society, leaving behind a trail of ruin and discord. Among these foul traits, jealousy stands as a particularly insidious foe, gnawing away at a person's soul from within. It echoes the first sin whispered by the fallen angel in the celestial expanse, leaving its victims hollow and bereft of light. So potent is its grip that some are driven to desperate measures, dabbling in forbidden arts to sate their envious desires. Yet, in the wake of jealousy's devastation lies a barren wasteland of shattered trust and severed bonds with the divine. It's a perilous path that leads only to spiritual bankruptcy, leaving one adrift in the turbulent seas of uncertainty. Instead of succumbing to the poisonous allure of jealousy, one would do well to embrace the wisdom of acceptance, finding solace in the grand design of the Almighty. By extending a hand of compassion to those less fortunate, hearts are filled with the warmth of empathy, forging connections rooted in love rather than bitterness. In choosing this path of humility and contentment, one not only earns the favor of their community but also finds peace within themselves. For in the end, it is not the trappings of envy that define a person's worth, but the richness of their character and the depth of their compassion.




How to Cite

M Aasim Sharif, & Dr. Mohsin Zia Qazi. (2024). Exploring the Origins, Consequences, and Remedies of Envy in Islamic Teachings. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(3), 1061–1072. Retrieved from http://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/285