Rights of the Elderly People in Islam (in the Light of the Prophet's Teachings)


  • Dr. Muhammad Munir Azhir Assistant Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Kashifa Hakam Joya Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Human rights, societal values, aging population, Islamic perspective, compassionate care


Human rights are integral forces that not only shape individual personalities but are also indispensable for the advancement of society. Our political traditions, rooted in heritage, contribute to our understanding of these rights. Despite diverse faiths, creeds, nationalities, and civilizations, humanity shares common universal traits, such as caring for elders, expressing love and affection for children, and extending kindness to others. However, over time, shifting priorities have led people to abandon these virtues. The influence of Western civilization has been particularly noteworthy in altering societal values. A concerning trend has emerged, wherein ageing parents are sent to old age homes, condemned to spend their remaining years in isolation. Regrettably, this inhumane practice is not exclusive to any particular culture or religion, as even Muslims are succumbing to these changes in pursuit of modern convenience, neglecting their Islamic principles. It is imperative to underscore Islam's perspective on the treatment of senior citizens. Islamic teachings explicitly define the status of the elderly, offering a stark contrast to the contemporary disregard for the elderly. Despite the seemingly noble names given to modern institutions like old age homes, daycare centers, and shelter homes, the harsh reality often remains concealed beneath a serene exterior. While these facilities may provide shelter and meet basic needs, they cannot substitute the love and affection crucial for the well-being of the elderly. This paper aims to delve into the prevalent attitudes and problems surrounding the mistreatment of senior citizens and propose societal solutions. Additionally, it will explore Islamic perspectives, drawing from Hadith and the Seerah of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ), to highlight the compassionate treatment advocated by Islam for the elderly. By examining the kind behaviour exhibited by our beloved Prophet towards the elderly, we can discern valuable lessons that can guide contemporary society towards a more humane and compassionate approach to caring for its ageing population.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Munir Azhir, & Kashifa Hakam Joya. (2024). Rights of the Elderly People in Islam (in the Light of the Prophet’s Teachings). Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(3), 418–434. Retrieved from http://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/226