Relationship between Teachers’ Behavior, Students’ Exam Anxiety and Academic Achievement in English at Secondary Level


  • Dr Rizwan Ahmad Assistant Professor, University of Education Lahore
  • Kalsoom Javed MPhil Scholar
  • Dr Sumaira Majeed Assistant Professor (Visiting), University of Education Lahore


Teacher Behavior, Exam Anxiety, Academic Achievement, Teachers’ instructional behavior, Teachers’ organizational behavior, Teachers’ social emotional behavior


The purpose of the study was to find the relationship between teachers’ behavior, students’ exam anxiety and academic achievement in English. The population of the study was the province of Punjab and using cluster sampling technique selected sample was 1526 students studying at tenth grade in the public sector schools. Researcher developed Student-Reported. Teacher Behavior Scale (SRTBS) and Anticipatory Exam Anxiety Scale (AEAS) in Urdu (national) language were used for collection of  data. Students obtained marks in English subject exam were collected from their school record and were used as academic achievement. The coefficient of alpha for the Anticipatory Exam Anxiety Scale was.908 and for Teacher Behavior scale .850 and for Sub-categories i.e instructional, organizational, and socio-emotional behaviors was .846, .753 and .704 respectively. Data were collected by visiting the selected schools. The findings of the study showed positive and significant simple as well as partial correlations in all the dimensions of teacher behavior and academic achievement of the students. On the contrary, negative simple and partial correlations were found in teachers’ behavior and students exam anxiety. The highest negative relationship was found in teachers’ organizational behavior and students’ exam anxiety. Students’ exam anxiety and academic achievement scores were also negatively correlated. Male and female teachers’ instructional, organizational, and socio-emotional behaviors were found significantly different. It was suggested that by making their behavior positive in the class, teachers can help students in reduction of exam anxiety and performance improvement. Students should also reconsider their opinion about their teachers’ behavior and should avoid developing biased opinion because it was important in terms of their exam anxiety and academic achievement.




How to Cite

Dr Rizwan Ahmad, Kalsoom Javed, & Dr Sumaira Majeed. (2024). Relationship between Teachers’ Behavior, Students’ Exam Anxiety and Academic Achievement in English at Secondary Level. Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ), 5(3), 155–166. Retrieved from